ABOUT US Get to Know Ferti-ject
Smart Solutions For The Growing World
Built for Purpose Products
Ideal For Precision
DIY Ready to Install Systems
Packaged Dosing Systems
Smart Solutions For
The Growing World
Connects to the Internet of Things
Custom Design and Build Solutions
Environmentally Friendly & Sustainable
Save time & Money Quick Return on Investment
Who we are
Ferti-Ject Dosing Systems
Welcome to Ferti-Ject!The team at Ferti-Ject come from farming backgrounds, having worked in many agricultural sectors around different parts of the world.
It’s because of these years of hands on in-field experience that the Ferti-Ject team understand explicitly how to recommend just the right dosing solution for your irrigation system, no matter what the size, the location or the application.I-Feeder Pumps
I-Feeder TechnologiesAll Ferti-Ject dosing solutions are the fusion of built for purpose metering pumps and our own smart management systems, and at the core of all our solutions is the high quality built for purpose I-Feeder metering pump.
I-Feeder Technologies have been manufacturing metering pumps, mixers and accessories for more than 35 years, and are widely recognized as a global leader in this technology.Ferti-Ject Innovation
We are constantly innovating new solutions!It because we are close to the markets we service and that we listen to our customers that allows Ferti-Ject to understand our customers’ needs explicitly.
We constantly strive to develop and modify our technology into new solutions to better suit your specific application by offering customization of existing standard products or designing and building fully custom solutions.The Humming Bird
Why is the Hummingbird our Ferti-Ject icon?The reason we chose these busy little guys to be the icons of Ferti-Ject is because hummingbirds are important to the earth's ecological system as they are such voracious pollinators.
Like hummingbirds, the solutions that Ferti-Ject produce are essential for growing enough food in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way for the generations to come.
Ferti-Ject Dosing Systems
Built for Purpose Metering Pumps
Agitators and Mixers
Do It Yourself Pump Kits
Packaged Dosing Solutions
Ferti-Ject Dosing Systems
Smart Control Panels
Remote Monitoring Systems
Chemical Transfer Pumps
Electromagnetic Flow Meters
Our Products & Solutions
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what motivates us
Its Good for your Budget &the Environment
Fertigation uses Less Product- Using information based on university trials and field tests, the chemical products used can be dramatically reduced through the use of fertigation injection systems without reducing crop yields.
- > Nitrogen Fertiliser a saving of 5% to 40% is seen.
- > Insecticides can be up to 20% to 50% less.
- > Herbicides on average we see savings of 5% to 20%.
- These trials indicate increased effectiveness of chemicals applied through fertigation or chemigation systems in mechanized or fixed irrigation systems compared to standard application methods, even when smaller amounts of chemicals are applied.
A growing Population
Food security and the role of irrigation.With an increase in the world’s population to over 10 billion by 2050, requirements for enough food and fibre to meet their basic needs and the increased demand for calories and more complex foods as a result of income growth in the developing world, an estimated 70% increase in agricultural production will be needed.
Water is critical for agricultural production and plays an important role in food security, however because of population growth, urbanization, and climate change, competition for water is expected to increase, particularly impacting agriculture.Irrigated Agriculture
Food security and the role of irrigation.Globally irrigated agriculture represents around 20% of the total cultivated land but contributes over 40% of the total food produced worldwide making it a key focus to meet the demand as the population increases. Irrigated agriculture will play a major part in meeting these production targets as it is at least twice as productive per unit of land as rainfed agriculture, thereby allowing for more production intensification and crop diversification.The Role of Fertigation
Safe, accurate delivery of nutrients to the plant.To meet the demand for increased productivity, many farmers are embracing precision irrigation techniques and automation technology, one technology that has become extremely popular is fertigation.
Fertigation is the process of injection of fertilizers and crop protection products into irrigation system. It's a powerful tool in improving yields and lowering input costs when used with irrigation systems as it reduces use of on-field tractor-based fertilizer applications or costly aerial application processes reducing labour, fuel and product costs.Why use Fertigation?
Fertigation’s role in Irrigated Agriculture.Managing environmental factors and agricultural processes with acute precision leads to better crop yields, better resource management, lower costs, and improved environmental conditions, it’s a must have strategy as global agriculture strives to meet increasing demand.
Fertilizer has revolutionized the way crops are grown and fertigation provides a cost effective, accurate and environmentally sound method of delivering nutrients. In short, Fertigation makes good dollars and sense.
World Population will increase to 10 billion by 2050
Agriculture will need to increase production by 70%
Irrigated Agriculture is the key to increasing Production Yeilds
Fertigation is a key part of Precision Agriculture
Increase Yeilds with Less applied product
more Energy Efficient than tractor or aerial based application
Twelve Reasons Why Fertigation Makes Sense!
Fertigation is the result of advances in technology and need to improve production efficiently, more and more growers are embracing prescision irrigation technology such as fertigation in their operations, here are some of the reasns why.
# 1
It’s the perfect fit for precision agriculture.
Fertigation is all about applying only the required amount of fertilizer or crop protection products at exactly the right times during the optimum growing season for the crop, its both accurate and repeatable.# 2
It uses A Whole lot Less Fertilizer.
Fertigation is all about applying only the required amount of fertilizer or crop protection products at exactly the right times during the optimum growing season for the crop, its both accurate and repeatable.# 3
Its a Versatile Method Of Application.
Fertigation systems are readily available for use a range of irrigation systems and can be used with a wide variety of crops, soil types, climates, applied products, and applications. They can be heavily customized for specific applications.# 4
It Makes The Applied Product More Effective.
Many fertiliser and crop protection products are more effective when applied through irrigation systems as they are applied directly to the plant and soil meaning the plant accesses products immediatly and loss via leeching is reduced.# 5
Gives A Much More Uniform Coverage.
With any fertigation system, you will get more complete and uniform coverage across your entire irrigated area than is possible with other methods of application, no more missed rows, double applications or boundary oversprays.# 6
They Are Simple To Use And Easy To Calibrate.
With most built for purpose fertigation systems, you won’t need an engineering degree or an hourly rate technician to set up and operate the fertigation system, they can be used by even the most technology shy operators.# 7
It’s Much, Much Better For The Environment.
Fertigation applied fertilizer provides your crops nutritional needs whilst reducing the amount of product applied, means less environmental impact, less product used, no over application, less fuel used as there is no need for tractors or aircraft.# 8
It’s A Far Safer way to Apply Product.
With modern logistics the handling of bulk chemicals is greatly reduced when used with a fertigation system, ensuring that operator exposure to them is minimized greatly, and diminishing the chance for spillage.# 9
No Waiting around On Those Costly Contractors.
Fertigation systems applies products when your crops require it, there is no more waiting in the queue for the spreading or aerial spraying contractor to be become available, and its less expensive than these high demand methods.# 10
Fertigation Can Be Highly Automated.
Built for purpose fertigation systems are controlled by simple on board systems or integrated into remote control and management systems, and can even be connected to the Internet of Things to become a part of advanced management platforms.# 11
Fertigation Future Proofs Your System.
The ongoing development of fertiliser and crop protection products is very fast. Fertigation is a cost efficient and environmentally friendly way to deliver newer formulations through existing infrastructure.# 12
You Will See Cost Savings Year On Year.
With a fertigation system the initial capital outlay is just a one-time investment, it pays backs quickly, you will see real cost savings in product, labour and other costs in not only in year one, but also in year two, and in year three, and into the future.In Summary
It Just Makes Good Dollars And Sense!
Its quite simple, operators in the Irrigated Agriculture, Indoor Farming or Turf sector with crops under fixed or mechanised irrigation systemsthat don't have a built for purpose fertigation systems are actually costing themselves time and money.
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