Water Treatment
Food security & Irrigation
Water is critical for agriculture and food security, however because of population growth, urbanization, and climate change, competition for water is expected to impact agricultural production.
The role of irrigated agriculture and fertigation in improving global food production has never been more important.
Globally irrigated agriculture makes up about 20% of total cultivated land, however, it contributes over 40% of total food produced worldwide.
As population increases, irrigated agriculture is key to reaching production targets, it is twice as productive per unit of land, as rainfed agriculture, allowing for more intense production and crop diversification.
Fertigation uses Less Product
Based on data from university field trials, the quantity of product used can be reduced when using injection systems with no impact on crop yields.
Trials indicate increased effectiveness of product applied via fertigation or chemigation systems in mechanized or fixed irrigation systems compared to standard application methods.
the role of fertigation
Fertigation is the process of delivering fertilizers, bio-stimulants and crop protection products directly to the plant via the irrigation system.
It's a powerful tool in improving yields and lowering input costs as it reduces use of on-field tractor based fertilizer application or costly aerial application processes, and reduces labour, fuel and product costs.
Better for the environment
Precision managing environmental factors and agricultural processes improves crop yields, lowers input costs, and lessens environmental impact, it’s an ideal strategy as we strive to meet increasing demand.
Fertilizer revolutionized the way crops are grown and fertigation provides a cost effective, accurate and environmentally sound method of nutrient delivery.
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